
Consultant For Choirs & Nonprofit Arts Management

Lauded by national figures for my work as a conductor and arts administrator, I am excited to share my experience with you.

Chris Storm

“Matt has a knack for knowing what works. He suggested a two-song pairing for our District Music Contest performance that felt odd at first, but when we tried the two pieces together, the choir loved them individually, and completely bought into them as a pair!”

Chris S., High School Director

Repertoire Programming

Repertoire Makes or Breaks Choirs

I take a great deal of pride in my approach to repertoire selection for the choirs I conduct, and have developed a strong reputation for my creative programming.

I am regularly contacted to consult on repertoire selection for choirs preparing for conference appearances, district music contests, and other high-profile performances. I am happy to start with you from scratch, or to give input and guidance with programming that is already underway.

Treble Music Specialist

While I thoroughly enjoy my work with mixed ensembles, treble choirs are special to me as well. The sonority of high voices together creates sonic excitement, and when titles are carefully selected for treble choirs, they can shine as brightly as any SATB choir. I conduct a 7-12th grade Girls Choir, a collegiate women’s choir, and a semi-professional adult women’s choir each week, and I pride myself on choosing music that is artistically satisfying, lyrically meaningful, and musically substantive. I would love to speak with you about your high-voice ensemble, and would be happy to offer thoughts about music that you and your singers will be sure to enjoy!

“Average music can make a great choir sound mediocre;
Great music can make an average choir sound excellent;
and Great music can make a great choir sound extraordinary.”

– Dr. Matt Hill

Arts Administration & Nonprofit Management

Whether you’re seeking guidance for an existing organization or are interested in starting from scratch, my experience and expertise can help to shape a strategy for short-term and long-term success. While working with the following organizations, I gained considerable knowledge in the areas of federal compliance for 501c3s, along with industry best-practices for arts nonprofit management and governance.

Sing Omaha

I am the founder, Artistic Director, and Executive Director of Sing Omaha — one of the nation’s largest community music nonprofits. Sing Omaha serves musicians in Eastern Nebraska and Western Iowa through nine performing choirs, and via two studio locations where a fully-degreed faculty teaches more than 150 applied lessons in voice, piano, guitar, bass, drums, violin, viola, and cello each week. Sing Omaha Studios also offers “Little Voices” classes for Infant-PreK children and their parents, as well as summer camps, musical theatre classes, and masterclass/workshops throughout the year. Visit Sing Omaha’s website to learn more!

Nebraska Choral Directors Association

I am proud to have been elected to serve as Treasurer of the Nebraska Choral Directors Association in 2018. I quickly discovered that the organization was outside of state and federal compliance in many areas, and that they had actually lost their nonprofit status both in Nebraska and with the IRS. Because of my experience with Sing Omaha, and through diligent efforts, NCDA is back on track. I am grateful to serve my colleagues in our state’s only choral-focused professional development organization, and have moved on from the Treasurer position to serve as NCDA’s Executive Director.

Music Studio Management

Sing Omaha Choirs and Sing Omaha Studios employ more than 35 educators in various capacities, and since its founding in 2007, the organization has developed successful strategies in the areas of curriculum development, student and faculty recruitment, operational management, and innovation. Industry challenges affect all off us at one time or another, and it is my goal to help eliminate whatever road blocks might be in front of you through strategic discussion and planning.

It’s impossible to say that I’ve seen it all, but I have a mind for finding solutions that fit within an overarching philosophy. With your passion and experience as a partner, I am confident that I can bring value to your situation, and I do so for FREE!

“Painters choose specific shades to cover their canvas based on what they are creating. For conductors, our repertoire is our paint. We must be careful to choose selections that simultaneously meet many criteria.”

Dr. Matt Hill